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Name: Axum Alumni Association
The name of the association shall be Axum Alumni Association. It shall be non-political and non-profit organization. 
The purpose of the association is to help Axum and all its districts to provide a better education, health and clean water for the citizens of Axum. 
The main objective of the association is to encourage the people of Axum to participate in the development activities of their area to achieve their goals, to share academic and developmental information, and discuss issues of common interest among members. Information exchange and issues discussed on Axum Alumni Association shall include social, economical and cultural topics relevant to members, schools, and students of Axum and its environs. The following shall be additional objectives of the Axum Alumni Association. 
1. Become a source of information for members at home and in the Diaspora for academic and professional development. 
2. Take parts on projects of the Axum schools; health centers, and promotes positive images of Axum and its districts. 
3. Establish links with different non-profit organizations and Alumni associations both at home and abroad to exchange information on topics relevant to Axum and its citizens. 
4. Individually or jointly with other non-profit organizations, initiate, develop and implement developmental, educational and cultural activities to help the schools and students of Axum and its people and its environs.                                                               
Axum Alumni Association shall be register with I.R.S as non-profit organization In Denver, Colorado, USA. 
Axum Alumni Association membership shall be open to every body who is 18 and above as well as accepted and committed to abide by these bylaws, with out regard to country of origin, age, gender ethnicity, religion or political persuasion. 
Membership Fees: 
Axum Alumni Association membership shall pay a monthly fee of $5.00 or annual membership fee of $60.00 US dollars. 
Personal checks, money orders or cash pays membership Fees to the treasurer of Axum Alumni Association. 
Rights and Responsibilities of Members: 
A member has the right to: 
1. Run for office and vote for a candidate of his/her choice 
2. Vote on issues that require a majority decisions 
3. To know every information of the Alumni Association 
4. To address or to vote for a certain issue with out being present in the meeting by sending a statement that includes name, signature address, and phone number to general assembly 
A member has the obligation to: 
1. Accept and abides by the rules and regulations as stated in the articles of this bylaw. 
2. Pay his/her monthly or annually membership dues on time. 
3. Not to use the Axum Alumni Association for political agendas. 
4. To discuss issues in a civilized manner and not to insult or attack a member for having a different opinion. 
1. Axum Alumni Association shall be governed by 5 to 7 board members. The executive board should consist of a chairperson, secretary, treasurer, and up to six public relations. 
2. The board members shall be elected by the general membership for a period of two years. A board member can be elected for indefinite terms with the exception of a chairperson. A chairperson cannot serve more than two consecutive terms. However, he/she can be re-elected after stepping down as a chairperson. 
3. The board shall, among other things: 
• Monitor and guide discussions and ensure rules and guidelines are properly followed 
• Take disciplinary actions in accordance to rules of these bylaws 
• Assign projects to groups and individuals and ensure they are executed correctly 
• Perform tasks as assigned by the general membership 
• All decisions of the board shall be based on majority vote and must be supported by at least five of the nine board members 
• General meetings of the members to be held up to 4 times a year 
Board members meeting to be held at least every two months 
Members of the board shall, in addition to the collective responsibility stipulated above, have the following individual responsibilities. 
• Plays a leading role in the committee and in Axum Alumni Association 
• Monitors the day-to-day activities of the board and Alumni Association 
• Acts as the official representative of Axum Alumni Association when such representation is required and approved by either the board or the general membership
Vice Chairman
• Vice chair assists the chairman and serve as chairperson in his/her absence. 
• He/she also assumes the duties and responsibilities of a chairperson if he/she steps down before her/his term is complete.
• Acts as custodian of Axum Alumni Association documents, including the website and forum of the Axum Alumni Association 
• Keeps records of Axum Alumni Association decisions and resolutions 
• Handles and acts as a custodian of Axum Alumni Association funds 
• Keeps records of the income and expenditure of Axum Alumni Association 
• The treasurer shall submit quarterly financial reports to the board 
• The treasurer can make any expenditures and withdrawals up to $500.00 dollars 
• Perform quarterly audit of materials and financial of Axum Development i Association funds 
• Report to the board quarterly and to the general members annually 
• In any event, if the general assembly finds it necessary to have independent auditors, the assembly can elect three independent auditors. The service of those auditors will be limited for that event only 
• An accountant may be responsible for keeping all financial records of the association.
Public Relations: 
• They maintain the relationship of Axum Alumni Association with other similar organizations 
• They promote the mission of Axum Alumni Association and advocate to maintain the association's positive outlook 
• Take additional responsibilities assigned by the committee 
Bank Account: 
A bank account should be open in the name of Axum Alumni Association. The treasurer shall be the custodian of the bank account. 
The Chairperson and the Treasurer must sign all expenditures, made by the treasurer, in excess of $500.00 dollars. It must also have a prior approval of the board members of the Alumni Association and shall be paid in check or Money Order. Such expenditure paid in cash must be supported by formal receipt. 
Axum Alumni Association shall have branches and branch administrative committees reporting to the board of Axum Alumni Association. 
Axum Alumni Association forum and web site: 
• Every member, who post on Axum forum and web site, must sign his/her name 
• Members who post are responsible and liable for the entire content of the posting 
• Personal opinions must be indicated as such and must be signed 
• Members posting information other than their own are required indicating the source of their information 
• While respecting the right of members to post information, news, current affairs, ideas, proposals, suggestions and recommendations, Axum Alumni Association requires that all postings in the network must be based on common courtesy to all members, free of direct personal attacks, racist, sexist remarks, abusive, and obscene languages or ethnically or faith insensitive statements 
Disciplinary Measures: 
A disciplinary action shall be taken by the board against members found in violation of the bylaws of Axum Alumni Association. The disciplinary action includes advice, warning, suspension, and termination of membership. 
Notwithstanding clause 

Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the association shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an association exempt from Federal income tax under section 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code (or Corresponding Section of any future Federal Tax code) or (b) by a association, contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the IRS Code (or corresponding section of any future Federal Code) 

Limitations on Activities 

No substantial part of the activities of this organization shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence any legislation and this Association shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements), any political campaign on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate for public office here in the United States or in Ethiopia. 

Prohibitions Against Private Inurement 

No part of the earnings of the association shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributed to its members, trustees, directors, officers or other private persons, except that the association shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in the furtherance of section 501©(3) purposes. No substantial part of the activities of the association shall be carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. 

The Board of Directors shall review all requests for funds from other organizations. The Board shall require that such requests specify the use to which the funds will be put, and if the Board approves the request, it shall authorize payment of such funds to the approved grantee. The Board of Directors shall require that the grantees furnish a periodic accounting to show that the funds were expended for the purposes, which were approved by the Board. The Board may, in its absolute direction, refuse to make any grants or contributions or otherwise render financial assistance to or for any or all the purposes for which funds are requested. After the Board of Directors has approved a grant to another organization for a specific project or purpose, the association may solicit funds for the grant to the specifically approved project of purpose of the other organization. However, the Board of Directors shall, at all times have the right to withdraw approval of the grant and use the funds for other charitable, scientific or educational purposes. 

Distributions of Assets 
Up on dissolution of this association assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501©(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future Federal Tax code, or shall be distributed to the Federal Government or to a state or local government for public purposes. 
Amendment of Bylaws: 
The bylaws may be amended by a vote of at least two third majorities of all active members. 
This bylaws was created and adopted by the majority of the general assembly of Axum Alumni Association on September 03-2006 in Denver, Colorado.

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© Copyright Axum Alumni Association

Contact Us




GEGebretsadkan Gebru Attention:Axum Alumni Association

2980 Rusticwood Dr.

Snellville, Georgia 30078

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